Becoming a teacher in Maryland overview…

Teaching within a state that dedicates on average 40% of general funds to education on an annual basis ( as well as ranking first in the country for highest AP testing results among high school students, becoming a teacher in Maryland will forever be a great decision. For teachers who already hold a bachelor’s degree in education, may want to strongly consider obtaining a master’s degree. Not only will earning a master’s degree further career opportunities but allows additional freedom and recognition within any position. The time is now to earn a teaching degree in Maryland. Embark on the fulfilling journey educating a student body eagerly anticipating the next generation of teachers!

Joining the teaching industry In Maryland…

Emerging as a teacher in Maryland begins by understanding the overall process. A talented individual interested in continuing the legacy of high quality education within Maryland will guarantee a career filled with opportunities and continual career advancements. A competitive environment does exist in Maryland, therefore earning a master’s degree or PhD is highly recommended.

In conjunction with outstanding pay, a teacher in Maryland can enjoy up to fifteen weeks of vacation per calendar year, outstanding benefits and 401K programs. Depending on the goals and desires of a teacher in Maryland, during this time one can further education through additional teaching certificates or by earning a master’s degree. A master’s degree is an excellent way to excel in numerous areas within the education realm on both personal and professional levels.

The Next Steps and the Journey Ahead to Become a Teacher in Maryland…

Ensuring the overall objective of becoming a teacher in Maryland is always in sight, staying current with the multiple avenues one may take is key. The path leading to an enlightening teaching career is adventurous and gratifying, much like teaching. The modern day student can enjoy the benefits of completing a bachelor’s degree online or current teachers can take advantage of online master degree programs. Outlined below are steps to help make informative and educated decisions while preparing to becoming a teacher in Maryland. At the same time, it is essential to research and contact as many schools as possible. This will ensure all credit hours and requirements are explained prior to beginning the program.

  • All states require earning a bachelor’s degree. The state of Maryland does require additional course work or credit hours. This varies by subject.
  • Connecticut often accepts teaching credentials from other states. It is recommended to check with the department of education within the State of Connecticut on exact credentials is recommended. This step may also be achieved by contacting the schools below.
  • Completing the state approved preparation program.
  • Complete PPST (pre professional skills test) or a passing score on the SAT, ACT or GRE exam.
  • Lastly, but as equally significant as the steps above, research and contact multiple schools to learn what programs and certificates they offer in these programs. Learn the steps involved in earning a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Maryland while utilizing their resources for your future education program!

With the continuation of technological advances, earning a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, administration, or a teacher’s certification, is highly attainable, even in rural areas. The schools below offer several pathways to become a teacher while focusing on the overall experience and convenience while maintaining the end goal of becoming a future educator. These schools also offer advanced degree programs, such as a master’s degree in education or art’s, for those who already hold a bachelor’s degree. Enter the exciting and forever changing world of teaching in Maryland. Take the first step and set in motion the new generation of teachers today!