School Teacher Requirements in Montana, MT.

Montana, ranking 44th in population, has 148,356 students. There are 870 public schools, broken down into 441 elementary, 241 middle, and 175 high schools. Montana’s SAT scores have been a little bit below average, however there is only a small percentage of Montana students taking the test. Montana has a graduation rate of 82% which is above average, and maintains an average high school to college enrollment ratio.

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Montana Teacher Certification Requirements:

  • Class 2 Standard Teaching Certificate (valid for 5 years)
  • Bachelors Degree from an accredited college or university
  • Complete an approved Montana Teacher Preparation Program
  • Take and pass the Praxis I: Basic Skills Test
  • Take and Pass the Praxis II subject test in desired course material
  • Fulfill state fingerprinting requirements
  • Complete either one year of teaching experience in an accredited teacher education program or a year of student teaching
  • Pass a criminal background check
  • Complete the certification application packed, including transcripts, certifications, and references
  • Pay any applicable fees

Some districts may require additional training and certification.

Montana Teacher Employment Outlook:

Although Montana has the lowest salary for teachers in the nation, recent budget grants have been given so the pay and number of teachers should be increasing. Montana also is in need of highly qualified teachers, a title which can be granted by experience or extra certification or education such as receiving a National Board Certification. There are a few sites online the school districts have posted job offerings for, specific to school and district, however most listed positions are looking for teachers with past experience and high qualifications. The teaching industry has proved to be a relatively stable job market, and even through the turbulent job market of the recession Montana teachers faired well. As in any state, it is a good idea to have a Masters or PhD as that is certainly an eye catcher for prospective employers, as well as increased salary opportunities.

Montana Teacher Salary Expectation:

Montana has remained 50th in ranking when it comes to teachers salaries for the last couple years in the row, average salary being $37,770 in 2009-2010 (according to Despite the fact that Montana has the lowest average teacher salary in the nation, the cost of living in Montana is also considerably less then the national average so this number should not be taken out of context. Also by getting highly qualified teaching statues you have the ability to potentially increase your salary.