School Teaching Requirements in Maine, ME

Maine, ranking 41st in population, has 201,651 students. There are 710 public schools, broken down into 414 elementary, 121 middle, and 138 high schools. Although Maine’s SAT scores have remained fairly constant over the last few years, they have been well below the national average, however since the majority of students took the test the numbers may be skewed a bit by those states in which only a small percent of students take the test. Maine has a graduation rate of 76% which is above average, and maintains an average high school to college enrollment ratio.

School Teacher Certification Requirements:

  • Provisional Teaching Certificate (valid for 2 years)
  • Bachelors Degree from an accredited college or university
  • Complete an approved Maine Teacher Preparation Program
  • Have 8 credit hours of teaching courses/experience
  • Take and Pass the Praxis I: Basic Skills Test
  • Take and Pass the Praxis II test in appropriate subject matter
  • Fulfill state fingerprinting requirements
  • Pass a criminal background check
  • Complete the certification application packed, including transcripts, certifications, and references
  • Pay any applicable fees

Maine School Teacher Professional Certificate:

The Professional Certificate is issued upon review after the initial 2 year license has expired, this license is then valid for a period of 5 years after which it must be renewed.

Some districts may require additional training and certification.

Maine School Teacher Employment Outlook:

While Maine isn’t in any particular high demand of teachers, there is always need for highly qualified teachers in any state. Obtaining highly qualified status can include receiving more degrees or becoming Nationally Board Certified. In receiving the National Board Certification, there is also the opportunity to enjoy an increased salary expectation. There are a few sites online the school districts have posted job offerings for, specific to school and district, although most of those positions are directed towards current teachers with high qualifications. On the whole the teaching industry has proved to be a relatively safe job market, and teachers in Maine weathered the economic storm of the recession as well as any. As in any state, it is a good idea to have a Masters or PhD as that is certainly an eye catcher for prospective employers, especially in Maine where a high degree of qualification is valued and in need.

Maine School Teacher Salary Expectation:

Maine is down from 33rd to 35th ranked nationally in salary with the average teacher making $45,110 in 2009-2010 (according to Student enrollment in Maine has remained fairly consistent, with the obvious fluctuation due to a growing state population. Comparatively speaking, teachers in Maine make above average salary then the state average income. Higher salaries do go to those with special qualifications such as board certification, so a higher salary is possible.