School Teacher Requirements in Vermont, VT

Vermont, ranking 49th in population, has 99,103 public students. There are 393 public schools, broken down into 501 elementary, 259 middle, and 25 high schools. Vermont ranks 19th in average combined SAT and ACT scores (the two most common national standardized tests), with an average SAT score of 901 and ACT score of 21.9. Vermont has a graduation rate of 89.3% which is well above national average.

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Vermont Teaching Certification Requirements:

  • Initial Teaching Certificate (valid for 3 years)
  • Bachelors Degree from an accredited college or university
  • Complete an approved Vermont Teacher Preparation Program
  • Take and pass the Praxis I: Basic Skills Test
  • Take and pass the Praxis II: Content Subject Matter test in appropriate field/s
  • Fulfill state fingerprinting requirements
  • Pass a criminal background check through the state and FBI
  • Complete the certification application packet, including transcripts, certifications, and references
  • Pay any applicable fees

Some districts may require additional training and certification.

Employment Outlook For Teachers in Vermont:

Vermont is currently hiring teachers, as recent budget additions has permitted the school district to do so. The state among other things is looking to improve its technology education so things like MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Certifications and other such certificates are a definite bonus to any resume. Vermont does value its highly qualified teachers, as the state has been doing fairly well in standardized tests the last couple years, highly qualified status can be obtained by receiving national board certification or by gaining higher degree of accreditation. As in any state, it is a good idea to have a Masters or PhD as that is certainly an eye catcher for prospective employers, as well as providing increased salary opportunities.

Salary Expectation for Teachers in Vermont:

Vermont is ranked 20th in the nation when it comes to teacher salaries, the average salary being $50,863 in 2009-2010 (according to In the last three years teachers in Vermont have seen an average 8.85% wage increase. Despite the fact has seen budget issues, teachers have been increasing their salary by gaining additional accreditation and certification, as well as gaining teaching positions over the summer.