Becoming a Substitute Teacher in Ohio, OH

With a consistently growing state population leading to larger student populations, Ohio is looking to expand its educational system. This expansion brings the need for more teachers and substitutes to cope with rising student-teacher ratios. Becoming a substitute is very alluring for many reasons, one of the main ones being that most states do not require you to have a Bachelors Degree, however Ohio does require its substitutes to have one. In becoming a substitute teacher it is important to understand the need for a flexible schedule, as you can be needed on very short notice. Many full-time salaried teachers started as subs and greatly appreciate the experience as it allows you to get a feel for the teaching industry without fully committing to a 4 year degree right off the bat. Many subs also enjoy the flexible work schedule as it allows them to pursue other ventures on the side, often times finishing up their Bachelors Degree or working part-time on the side.

Required Training, Qualifications, and Education

Ohio is one of the states that does require a Bachelors Degree in order to become a sub, which is important to take into consideration when considering a position as a substitute. You will also need to go in for state fingerprinting and state and federal background checks. Some districts may have other requirements so make sure to check before applying.

Licensure and Certification

The following situations are required for a substitute teacher license–

  • Submit the Substitute Application through a local school system
  • Include any official transcripts, references, or other relevant material
  • Include required Application fee/s
  • Must reapply for certificate after it expires

Career Expectations For Substitutes in Ohio

Although a Bachelors Degree is required to substitute teach in Ohio, there are still plenty of reasons to consider a position as one. Growing state populations allow teachers to have pretty good job security as they will always be in need to maintain acceptable student-teacher ratios. Although the recession hit everyone pretty hard, teachers managed to fair pretty well compared to average. Coming out of the recession has allowed most states, including Ohio, to continue expanding their educational systems, which bodes well for job security as well as job availability. Since a lot of substitute work is given based on experience and education, many substitute teachers use their time when not subbing to complete Degree Programs or hold work on the side. Substitute teaching also provides a large measure of flexibility not afforded to full time salaried teachers.

Salary Expectation

Currently, the average salary for a Substitute Teacher in Ohio is approximately $29,000 a year (according to which is about 4% higher than the national average. Substitute Teachers in Ohio make more then the national average, however it is important to realize this number can vary greatly as final pay is determined by experience, education, and by district. Additional income can be gained during times when you are not substitute teaching through things like test proctoring as well as tutoring.